: : the garden : :

a community attempting to live passionately in response to 'the other', embracing the artistic, the intellectual and the practical, which challenges us to take seriously matters of justice, compassion and the planet.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Becky 1

My lenten challenge is: Buy Nothing New.

Which may sound easy to most but I am a major consumer of non-essentials and therefore am contibuting to chains of abuse in buying crap cheap clothes, mountains of waste in disposing of things which are transitory and a psychologically corrupt notion of filling moments of sadness or emptiness with stuff.

Therefore, my mission (should I choose to accept it) is to not buy new items (apart from when buying presents for others and food), embrace the old and dwell in those moments when only retail therapy will perk me up.

NB. Interestingly, the other day, I heard someone on radio talking about modern obsession with giving things up during lent thus benefitting the self. They challenged this as corrupt stating that lent is about giving things up for the sake of it. For the sake of what?


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