: : the garden : :

a community attempting to live passionately in response to 'the other', embracing the artistic, the intellectual and the practical, which challenges us to take seriously matters of justice, compassion and the planet.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mike and Jenny 1

We would like to be able to give up or at least cut down on the use of our car during Lent, but like Alistair, there are times when we find this very difficult. Therefore for each journey that we make in the car we intend to contribute a £1 donation to a Christian Aid project in Malawi to purchase solar panels to power a health centre.

We are also promoting this project within our church to encourage others to consider enabling others to receive health beneifits from an environmently sustainable scheme.

Thirdly we are intending to join an Ecumenical Lent course with others outside our usual networks on a theme which is linked to Wilberforce and the abolition of slave trade. This involves a commitment on five Monday evenings.


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