: : the garden : :

a community attempting to live passionately in response to 'the other', embracing the artistic, the intellectual and the practical, which challenges us to take seriously matters of justice, compassion and the planet.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Kate 1


my lentle promise was/is two things
- to write in a journal on a daily basis
- and (similar to beckys) to stop buying cheap throwaway clothes, jewellery etc... i worded this as only buying 'key pieces'... as theres no way i can go that long without shopping!

- the journal thing - has gone really well so far - i treated myself to a moleskine journal (blatantly a key piece)and took my self to more bar for a coffee, cigarette and a little jotter.. which all seemed rarther whimsical and french! has been considerably less exciting since then. Have found its making me focus on postive things that have happened by writing them down, and is very good for perspective building... also have started writing down things i want to do (projects etc) which hopefully will give them a more wining chance of being implemented.

- no shopping - has gone well too... mainly achieved by having a bit of an exclusion zone around churchill square, and not going anywhere near it - have bought two hairpins from america though, whilst not 'key' they're not particularly cheap either so don't feel too guilty.


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1 mutterings:

At 10:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is the biggest hairclip i have ever seen!!!


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