: : the garden : :

a community attempting to live passionately in response to 'the other', embracing the artistic, the intellectual and the practical, which challenges us to take seriously matters of justice, compassion and the planet.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lisa 1

My Lent Experiment:

i) Take the train to work
ii) Give up chocolate
iii) Spend 15 minutes each day in silence

Days 1 - 6
So far the most difficult is the 15 minutes - and there's me thinking I was at one with my inner monk. it seems I squeeze him out quite successfully. shall nurture....

Taking the train is getting easier (except when the heavens open) and it enables you to meet all sorts of people (drunk Russian on my way in to work today).

Chocolate...well....I sometimes think I can smell it.....


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