: : the garden : :

a community attempting to live passionately in response to 'the other', embracing the artistic, the intellectual and the practical, which challenges us to take seriously matters of justice, compassion and the planet.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mark 3

the problem i have realised that i have is three-fold:
1) my wild assumption that it is the shops responsbility to provide a means for me to get my goods home.
2) my general transportation methods are very varied - usually walking, bus, train or car (in that order)
3) spontantious purchases that catch me out - (last minute puchases for dinner on the walk home from work etc.)

i like the suggestion from jenny of keeping carrier bags in the boot of the car and i think i will start doing that. When not in the car i need to be conscious of having some form of bag with me before leaving the house.

I do believe in recycling carrier bags but I also want to try and stop needing them at all as it takes needless energy to make them and energy to recyle them too. becky says there's some kind of fold down long-lasting shopping bag that you can buy and keep with you when you go out. I will experiment with this option too.

Plastic carrier bag count: 3

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